About my books
Bones (2019)
I wrote Bones because I had my heart broken.
A book about love and the loss of a romantic relationship, the story follows a break-up and the intense emotions that occur in the aftermath. A story of heartbreak and the journey to healing.
Titled Bones to reflect the way the bones in our bodies naturally begin to repair themselves overtime. Each chapter reflects a different stage of grief, leading to healing.
X (2020)
I wrote X because I experienced a crippling loneliness and tried to navigate myself into a stronger mindset.
X is a poetry book about the many variables we experience in our lives, from broken friendships to bursts in relationships and everything else in between.
Titled X to reflect how sometimes our situations can make such a large impact in our lives yet at times, seem paradoxical… just like the letter X.
(In animations an X over the eyes symbolises death, yet we use X to send kisses in text.)
Neon Sun (2022)
I wrote Neon Sun because I wanted to write a love story for my future husband.
A poetry book about the purest form of love: where there is no fear. The story follows a 24-hour-journey of a romantic relationship.
A heartwarming story that is structured to repeat every day, just like the way love should be expressed.
Titled Neon Sun because of the inability of astronomers to measure the amount of neon that is within the sun - relating that to the way love cannot be measured.
Neon Sun is the first book that includes my illustrations.
Chrome (2023)
I wrote Chrome because it spans a decade of my life, (the same amount of time I owned my classic car) and expresses the genuine love I have for the things that help drive you to your peak.
Chrome is a story about a love and appreciation for a classic car. My 1964.5 Ford Mustang.
While chrome is a decorative piece of metal found on motor vehicles, this book was titled Chrome because it sparked a reflection of thoughts, just as the chrome reflects light.
Chrome details the sense of excitement with the simple act of driving a car. How much life is lived by riding through the streets and how they connect us to the places we visit and the people we see.
There are two versions of Chrome:
- paperback with my illustrations, and
- hardback coffee table book with photographs by Gelica Peralta.